7 DIY Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Below are some home remedies you can try to help get you through this years allergy season. Acupuncture in conjunction with these home remedies will help dramatically with your allergies this season. Read more about acupuncture and allergies…

5 Superfoods to Get More Spring in Your Step
The days are finally getting longer which means more wonderful hours of sunlight to enjoy all the amazing outdoor activities that our beautiful Squamish has to offer. Make sure you are getting the most out of these longer days by fueling up…

How to Help Seasonal Allergies
Spring has arrived early to Squamish. The Trees and forest are blooming and with this warm weather air, fresh flowers, and longer days means more play time in the outdoors. With the sunshine and flowers comes wind and pollens, which living in…

What Everybody Ought to Know About Spring in Squamish
Spring time in Squamish is an especially awesome season due to the multi-sport and activities available to help get you and your family outdoors and shedding the winter blues. We created this guide of what you need to know, so that everybody…

4 Signs You Need Acupuncture This Spring
While back East is in deep freeze, Squamish and the sea to sky feel like it’s in full swing of spring.. We are all outdoors enjoying the sunshine. For some of us however the spring means allergy season is not far off. For others we…

5 Ways Acupuncture Benefits Athletes
Us Squamptonites love to be active and play outdoors. Whether you’re an elite athlete, die-hard marathoner, dedicated yogi, mountain biker, rock climber or weekend warrior; acupuncture can improve and enhance your performance in the sports…

Recipe for Adventure: Chocolate Balls
Chocolate Peppermint Energy Balls
These tasty little snacks are perfect for a quick burst of energy while your sitting on the lift in between runs.
[list style="style4"]
[li]1 cup dates[/li]
[li]1 cup pecans[/li]
[li]1/4 cup raw cacoa powder[/li]

Recipe for Adventure: Immune Boosting Tea
Immune Boosting Tea
This time of year can be a bit of a bummer, there are still a few weeks before the mountain opens, trails are pretty boggy and you find yourself indoors a lot more than usual. To make matters worst, you may be indoors with…

Spiced Chocolate Almond Smoothie
Spiced Chocolate Almond Smoothie Recipie
During the summer months, many of us get away from our good eating habits and often enjoy drinks on the patio, BBQ’s and campfire cook-outs. When Fall comes around our bodies are often slightly run…

Healthy Road Trippin Ideas
Road Trippin
Summer is the best time for travel and adventure, but avoiding unhealthy food on the road can be tough, from fast-food burgers to service station bags of chips and candy bars, a few days on the road (or airport hopping) can derail…

Fathers Day BBQ Recipie
Father's Day BBQ Recipie
Let's be honest, Dad's don't really want anything fancy for Father's Day. Most Dad's I know are more than happy if they can have a few hours of free time in the morning to go biking or play some golf, followed up with…

Adventure Recipe: Chocolate Rasberry Protien Truffles
Do it Yourself Protein Bars
Having a balanced snack that provides around 10-20g of protein within 30 minutes after exercising will help with muscle recovery and gain. Protein bars are a great, convenient way to achieve this goal and they are…