Top 5 Squamish Mountain Biking Trails to Ride in Spring
There are more physically active residents in British Columbia than any other province in Canada. One way to enjoy the beauty of the area while getting exercise is to take a ride on the many mountain bike trails.
As the winter thaw begins,…

The Top Yoga Studios you Need to Visit in Squamish This Fall
Squamish is home to a wealth of outdoor activities, that leaves your body sore, tired and satisfied. Lucky for all you adventurers, there's a number of indoor activities that can help you stretch, recover and relax. If you haven't already guessed,…

The back of the heart – Our Shadow
The term “heart openers” and “backbends” are frequently heard in the yoga community. Another popular epitaph revolves around how the practice of yoga will help to “open your heart” – emotionally, as well as, physically.

3 Simple Ways to Stay Grounded this Holiday Season
December is here and with it, comes the holiday season. The holidays can be a complex roller-coaster of emotion, with lots of excitement, social events and time spent with family. Although this time of year can be joyful and energizing, it can…

What is Beautycounter and why it matters?
Warning, this is not really a post about yoga. Well at least it is not a post about yoga asana (the poses), pranayama (breath) or meditation, however, this is a post about the choices we make around the products we use, and spend our money on.…

What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra has my unwavering attention these days ૱
I seem to have created myself a healthy dose of attention deficit disorder.
I attribute this self-diagnosed current state to the day to day single-mama, entrepreneur, hustle / hamster wheel…

What Kind of Yoga is This?
We get so wrapped up in knowing something us humans. We love a good label. We think that it helps us to understand, if we know something definitively, then we are able to put it into a box. Even simple labels such as “good” and “bad”,…