Squamish Massage Therapists: Guide to the Local Favourites
Squamish Massage Therapists: A Guide to the Local Favourites
If you are from or visiting Squamish, we bet that your summer has been filled with outdoor adventures and activities. We created this guide to the Local Favourites Squamish Massage…

Spring Health Tips to Fuel Your Squamish Adventure
Spring Health Tips to Fuel Your Squamish Adventure
With spring just around the corner, everyone is itching to kiss the snow and cold goodbye and get ready for spring sports. Winter has the tendency to keep people inside, snuggled up on the couch…

Squamish Health & Wellness Guide
The outdoor recreation lifestyle in Squamish attracts athletes and adventurers who flock from all over the world to enjoy the ocean, the mountaintops and challenging their bodies on every terrain in between in search of thrilling views and…

Adventure Approved Interview: Susan Shalanski
In this series, we will be interviewing the people behind your local favourite businesses in Squamish. Today we are interviewing Susan Shalanski, owner and physiotherapist at Reach Physio. Sue is a long term local who has been a trailblazer…

Immune Boosting Tea
The cooler weather is a little reminder that the first round of cold and flu season is just around the corner. Boost your immune system so that you can spend more time outside having fun and less time on the couch.
Immune Boosting Tea

Excelling Your Sports Performance with Acupuncture
With the Pan Am Games well under way, Canada ‘s athletes are thriving in this year's Pan Am Games. Our Canadian athletes are pushing themselves to new levels of greatness and athletic achievement in purist of more Gold Medals. These Athletes…

4 Common Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Its that time of the year again. Whether your in Squamish or Whistler, every weekend there seems to be some sort of race or event going on. 5km, 10km, ½ marathon, ultra marathon or just trail running; whatever your running goals are this season…

Do I Hate You Because I'm Tired?
Probably. Okay, maybe.
Many of us live busy lives, well some of us say we live busy lives, most of us stay up watching Netflix. In the morning, we groan, reach for the snooze button and then, reach for it again. We hope this is the morning…

Why Bare is Better!
When warm weather hits and we ditch our socks for the foot freedom of sandals, many of us head to the store to pick up our favourite nail polish color. This summer I urge you to ditch your nail polish along with those socks and embrace your…

4 Ways Acupuncture can Help Your Bedroom Recreation Activities
“Let’s talk about sex baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be. Let’s talk about sex”
Ok now that you’re all singing along and will likely get the song stuck…

Adventure Approved Interview: Susan Chapelle
In this new series for 2015, we are interviewing the people behind your Local Favourite businesses in Squamish. For this months feature, we are chatting with the founder of Squamish Integrated Health - Susan Chapelle to find more about her…

Genetic Testing - Optimizing Performance
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, researchers have been working to develop ways that could feasibly allow individual testing for genetic defects known as SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). More importantly,…